Friday, September 7, 2007

my first fan e-mail

I got my first fan e-mail today. I expect everyone to love Mick Aloha, because I'm Mick Aloha, so it's nice to know the word is spreading. Although the message can be seen as negative, I'm still happy that the fans are reaching out and I look forward to many more messages in the future. Here's the message:

Mick Aloha,
You are an idiot. Do you really believe all of this stuff that you write? Are you really that full of yourself? As a woman, I'm offended by your misogyny; as a human, I'm offended by your existence. This blog makes the world a worse place to live in. Please stop.


Wow, that was a hard hitting message, Steph. My first question is: Are you hot? If so, I'd probably like to do you. My second question is: Can I get a happy ending with that misogyny?

Any other ladies who have a problem with me should send pictures along with your emails. The hotter you are, the more likely I am to read your message.

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