Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Where's my rebate, Apple?

I'm sure you all know that Apple is offering rebates to people who bought the iPhone before the $200 price drop and I have to ask, where's the rebate for the copy of Tiger that I downloaded from Bit Torrent and ran on my PC? Mick Aloha needs a rebate, too, not just those dirty early adopting hippies. If you want to make nice with those hippies, give them a Clockwork Orange DVD and send the rebates my way. Now, I know everyone's wondering what Mick Aloha would do with Apple rebates, since I think Apple products are over-priced and over-hyped. I'd sell them, of course, and use the money I make for the good life, which I'm accustomed to living. I love the good life. I love money. Send it my way if you have any extra. Hookers, too. Send them if you've got them.

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