Saturday, October 20, 2007

Art is stupid

I hate art that doesn't look like anything. I can appreciate some paintings that look real, but I have no interest in looking at blobs and trying to figure out what they are. Blobs aren't art. Blobs are things that come out of the sink and eat people. That's not art.

Friday, October 12, 2007

my problem with religion

My problem with religion is that all religions have gods that don't reveal themselves. Why create the universe and then hide away? If I were a god, which I just might be, I'd create the universe and then say "Hey, you stupid people better worship me or I'll blow your planet up. Yeah! Mick Aloha! Dude." That's how I'd do it. I wouldn't create the universe, drop hints, and hope people figure out I'm real when there are people in religions that believe in non-Mick Aloha gods. It's the same way when I order fries. I don't order fries and then hide under the table. No, I order fries, wait for them to come, and then eat them. Everyone knows where I am throughout the process.
Mick Aloha has spoken.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Tony Almeida

So, I hear Tony Almeida's coming back to 24. Myself, I don't watch 24, but I know some people who do and they're pretty excited. I'm just wondering why they had to bring him back as a cyborg with a mechanical wang. Speaking of mechanical wangs, where can I get one? Seriously folks, it's tiny.